Issuing Reports
After issuing cards and recording transactions, you can create reports to review all transaction details. UQPAY provides four financial reports to meet your different reporting needs. You can create and download reports from the Dashboard or API.
Create Reports in the Dashboard
- Navigate to the Reports page.
- Click Export button in the top right corner.
- Choose the report type and the transaction type you want.
- Fill in the other necessary details.
- Click Create to generate the report.
The report has been successfully generated and will remain available for download for the next seven days. Please ensure you download it within this period.
Create Reports Using the API
Request example
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-auth-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.V5nnals8t95yOGMqUe4wHS9EUyew_2k1AdZYTGXzNG8' \
--header 'x-idempotency-key: 18523f72-f4de-4f9c-bb8e-ec7d1c4f32be' \
--data '
"report_type": "SETTLEMENT",
"start_time": "2024-11-21T17:17:32+08:00",
"end_time": "2024-11-21T17:17:32+08:00"
Respond example
"report_id": "fceacef6-85e5-4520-9a9c-2615c9cf4ca8"
Download Reports Using the API
Request example
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'accept: application/octet-stream' \
--header 'x-auth-token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.aLzUk9DsuowIfgoDlXU4Z4m8NGQd4OvXBNGKYJlYzjo'
Response example
Card Settlements Report
Account Name,Account Id,Date Range,From Date,To Date
Uqpay Product,C1632827904,Created at,2024-11-21,2024-11-21
Settle Date,Card Id,Account Id,Account Name,Parent Account Id,Transaction Id,Transaction Type,Card Number,Authorization Code,Transaction Amount,Transaction Currency,Settlement Amount,Settlement Currency,Transaction Time,Merchant Id,Merchant Name,Merchant Country,Merchant Category Code,Interchange Fee,Exchange Rate,Remark,Status
Report Types
Knowing the types of reports helps you select the one that meets your needs.
Report Type | Description |
Card Transactions Report | Providing a comprehensive summary of all card transactions. This report is essential for tracking card transaction flows. |
Account Transactions Report | It provides a clear view of account-level financial operations, including records of fund transfers in and out of the issuing account. |
Card Settlement Report | A detailed report that records the settlement details of card transactions. |
Card Ledger Report | This report offers detailed transaction and fund movement records specific to a particular card. |
Transaction Types
Transaction Type | Description |
Purchase | Cardholders use their card to buy goods or services from a merchant. The amount is deducted from the cardholder's account. |
Refund | This typically happens when the cardholder returns purchased goods or services, and the merchant returns funds to the cardholder’s account. |
Reversal | A transaction that cancels or reverses a previous transaction. Reversals can happen for a variety of reasons, such as fraud, errors, or cancellations. |
Authorization | The card issuer approves a transaction made by the cardholder. |
Validation | Validation checks the card's legitimacy, ensures the cardholder’s details are correct and the card is active. It's often done in conjunction with the authorization process. |
Settlement Debit | Funds are taken from the cardholder’s account when the settlement amount is higher than the original transaction amount. |
Settlement Credit | The cardholder gets money back when the settled amount is lower than the transaction amount. |
Settlement Reversal | Reverses a previous settlement, returning funds to the cardholder when there’s an error. |
ATM Deposit | A transaction where cash is deposited into an account through an ATM. |
ATM Withdraw | A transaction where cash is withdrawn from an ATM using a card. |
Fund Collection | Funds are collected. It's often used for recurring payments or collections for services. |
Fund Transfer | Funds are transferred from one account to another. |
Adjustment | Corrects or modifies previous transactions. This can involve either debiting or crediting the cardholder's account to rectify errors or disputes. |
Adjustment Debit | The correction or adjustment that debits (subtracts) funds from an account. This can occur due to errors or disputes in previous transactions. |
Adjustment Credit | The correction or adjustment that credits (adds) funds to an account. This can occur due to errors or disputes in previous transactions. |
Invoice | A request for payment leads to a deduction from your account. |
Rebate | Returning funds to your account as part of a promotion or agreement. |
Updated 20 days ago